
While lying in the bath this evening Julian and I were discussing some of the challenges August is going to bring. The first week of August the girls still have school so I will have to get them there. Julian also needs to go to Joburg at least once a week. These are some of the things we can think of that are going to be really tough:

  • getting from Hans Strijdom (where the taxis go) to the kids school 3km away with a two year old and a four year old (and back in the afternoons when Jessica actually just wants to sleep)
  • what are we going to sleep on? The room has a rat eaten single mattress. Julian and I could squeeze onto that but then where do the girls sleep ( also Julia likes getting into our bed in the middle of the night and that is not going to happen if we’re on a single bed)
  • how is Julian going to get to work? Probably taxi or metrorail to Hatfield and then Gautrain
  • following from previous point, does Julian keep a laptop in the shack and then use cloud services to access work when in office or risk the huge security risk of walking through township with laptop
  • Julian has a work trip to Cape Town during the month: how is he going to get to the airport especially if it is a ‘red eye’ flight (which is his norm)

As you can see lots of crazy, scary and exciting prospects on the horizon.

Off to sleep now in my lovely king size memory foam bed: trying to appreciate the luxuries for now……

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